This page collects links that may be useful to SILS students taking courses in the history and philosophy of science. A number of the sites in the first two sections (General sites, Institutions and societies) are themselves collections of links. If you find that one of the links listed below is dead, please let me know. Also if you find a good site that is not included in this list, please tell me about it.
Slasdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters (Computing, science and technology news)
Wired (A magazine on current and future trends in technology)
Scirus: a comprehensive scientific research tool
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Hist-Analytic (Sources in analytical philosophy containing many on philosophy of science)
Internet Resources for History of Science and Technology
Timeline for the history of science and social science
Internet History of Science Sourcebook (Somewhat out of date)
The Royal Historical Society Bibliography (Bibliography for British and Irish history)
Making of America (Sources for American history)
The Philological Museum (Humanist and neo-latin texts on the web)
European Cultural Heritage Online (Contains photographs of many rare European books)
Linda Hall Library, History of Science Collection
Milestones in the history of statistical graphics and data visualization
Digitized travel accounts of late medieval and early modern Europe
Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France, many full texts available for download)
The World Digital Library (A worldwide initiative to digitize important works)
The Internet Archive (A large resource for books, audio and media clips)
University of Wisconsin History of Science and Technology Digital Collection
The Wellcome Trust (Medical and life sciences)
Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften
The Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science
The Perseus Digital Library (Greco-Roman antiquity)
Mesopotamian Mathematics (Duncan J. Melville)
Archimedes Homepage (Chris Rorres)
Medicina Antiqua (Medicine in the Greco-Roman world)
The Archimedes Palimpsest Project
The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project
Ptolemy's Almagest Ephemeris Calculator (Robert Harry van Gent)
A Bibliography of Mathematics in Medieval Islamic Civilization (Jan Hogendijk)
A Bibliography of Science in Islamic Civilization (Muzaffar Iqbal)
Medieval manuscript manual (Western sources)
Resources on medieval Islamic science
Biographies of medieval Islamic astronomers
Bibliography for the history of western astrology
Astrolabes (James Morrison)
Eighteenth-Century Resources — Science & Mathematics
Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical (A searchable electronic index)
Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Clark University History of Mathematics Site
The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
Cornell digital library: Historical Mathematics Monographs
Wilbour Hall (Digital copies of ancient and medieval mathematical texts)
History of Mathematics Sources (David Wilkins)
Bibliography of the Mathematical Sciences in the Medieval Islamic World (Jeff Oaks)
Mesopotamian Mathematics (Duncan J. Melville)
Bibliography of Mesopotamian Mathematics (Eleanor Robson)
The Archimedes Project (History of mechanics)
Instruments for Natural Philosophy (Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr. )
The Starry Messenger (Electronic History of Astronomy)
Emilio Segrè Visual Archives (Images from the history of physics)
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, Smith Collection (Images from the history of chemistry)
Digital Library for Physics and Astronomy (Bibliographic database Astronomy, Physics and Astrophysics)
Classic Chemistry (Key papers in the history of chemistry compiled by Carmen Giunta)
Ancient (Medieval and Early Modern) Planetary Model Animations (Dennis Duke)
Dream Anatomy (Images from the history of medicine)
Buffon et l'histoire naturelle
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online
Understanding Evolution (Introduction to evolutionary theory, with some historical topics)
MendelWeb (Gregor Mendel and classical genetics)
Ptolemy's Almagest Ephemeris Calculator (Robert Harry van Gent)
Archimedes Homepage (Chris Rorres)
Buffon et l'histoire naturelle
Nicholas Copernicus, De revolutionibus (The autograph)
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online
The Newton Project: Bringing the works of Isaac Newton to life (Francis Galton)
The Waseda University library's webpage provides links to a large number of databases that either have bibliographic information or online sources for academic research. These are made available to all members of the Waseda community and should be accessed by means of the links on the library site (follow the links for "List All" or "すべて見る"). Here I give a selective listing of databases that may be useful for doing research in the history and philosophy of science, with some comments. (If you are researching the history of a particular science, the databases relevant to this science will be useful to you, but they are too numerous for me to list here. )
Historical Abstracts
JSTOR - (Journal Storage)
Highwire Press
IBZ Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature
NII-REO (Repository of Electronic Journals and Online Publications)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online
Philosopher's Index
Index Islamicus
Web of Science
CiNii - National Institute of Informatics
J-STAGE - Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator